Kia Ora Vancouver is always interested in supporting different charities that are connected to
New Zealand and New Zealanders.
One of our main Charities is Kiwis for Kiwi and KiaOra Vancouver’s partnership with them is a
devoted one. We started working with Kiwis for Kiwi approximately 5 years ago and we continue
to support them as much as we can.
Kiwis for kiwi is the only national charity dedicated to protecting kiwi. They do this by bringing
people together who are passionate about making sure our national icon survives for
generations to come. They are an independent trust, joined by thousands of New Zealanders
who have dedicated more than 20 years to helping save kiwi.
The funding supports on-the-ground kiwi projects led by community groups, iwi,
hapū and whānau groups, engaging in conservation work in kiwi habitats, as well as research
institutions and captive facilities.
By providing nationwide leadership and support via a national partnership with the Department
of Conservation, their goal is to reverse the decline of kiwi and see a rise in their numbers
nationally and every part of our programme is geared towards achieving this vision. They are on
the cusp of turning the decline around, and if they are to do this, they need to engage the
support of New Zealanders and New Zealand businesses.
We are calling on everyone to join their mission and support this vital work; inspiring all New
Zealanders to be Kiwis for kiwi.
For more information about how we can work with your charity, please contact us.